Antennas in Nature
The mainstream science community spends billions for researching a method for building a quantum computer and yet it already exist in every cell of our body: Our DNA is a quantum computer, as Stuart Hameroff proved.
And the DNA is not only a computer, it’s also able to receive and send on a specific bandwidth. DNA is a antenna!

Some parts of the code in the DNA is blocked and cannot be read. But under certain electromagnetic influences this parts gets unlocked and they can be read and then something change in the organism. In nature all organism communicates on different ways. One of the most astonishing ways is the electromagnetic broadcasting network which exist before humans even knows about the existence of radio signals. This invisible world of communication is similar to the biophotonic communication of plants and microorganism.
Today we have fractal antennas in our mobile phones. The fractal design of antennas enables to build them very small and they become even more powerful. DNA is a fractal construct too and it’s ability as an antenna exceed even that of the man made fractal antennas. Antennas in mobile phones are controlled electronically by enabling and disabling certain parts of the fractal design, permitting to switch channel and frequency. The microscopic design of the DNA is even more powerful. It’s able to do that on a quantum mechanical way. So try to overtop this!
I would really like to know what they talk about all the time. I mean bacterias sends signals around 1 kilohertz, what do they communicate on this bandwidth? “Hey John, how are you?” … “Jo man, I fine. How are your kids?” … “Thanks, they playing around, replicating themselves, you know, the usual.” According to research presented by Northeastern University physicist Allan Widom, based on existing knowledge of DNA and electrons, bacteria can indeed communicate. But I would love to know what they say.
Neurobiologists find that weak electrical fields in the brain help neurons fire together.
Pasadena, Calif.—The brain—awake and sleeping—is awash in electrical activity, and not just from the individual pings of single neurons communicating with each other. In fact, the brain is enveloped in countless overlapping electric fields, generated by the neural circuits of scores of communicating neurons. The fields were once thought to be an “epiphenomenon” similar to the sound the heart makes—which is useful to the cardiologist diagnosing a faulty heart beat, but doesn’t serve any purpose to the body, says Christof Koch, the Lois and Victor Troendle Professor of Cognitive and Behavioral Biology and professor of computation and neural systems at the California Institute of Technology (Caltech).
Our heart generates a electromagnetic signal which can be received by other humans over a certain distance. In a certain way what we know as “intuition” may have a scientific explainable background. Do you know the feeling of “atmosphere” entering a room full of people? And do you know the strange feeling in the moment when this “atmosphere” change? Sometimes it change without apparent reason, no visible or audible trigger. But through the electromagnetic signals which a heart of a human emits a whole group can be affected. This is the case when negative or positive thoughts and feelings overflow, resulting in specific electromagnetic signals literally from the heart.
Do you know acupuncture? Did you know that our body has the ability to store electrostatic energy? Some of this energy is a kind of memory in our body. Not only our brain stores information, it’s the whole body which acts as a dynamic database. The acupuncture therapists explains that lifeforce or “qi” flows through specific pathways (meridians) in our body. Some of this pathways forms crosspoints on the surface and can be manipulated by needles. This is what is done in acupuncture, some energy is released, some is diverted and sometimes heat is applied on this acupuncture points. Acupuncture points can also be stimulated with light (laser) or electricity.
Some therapists claims that they are able to perceive a “aura“, a kind of field around the human body. This field has some quality which can be described with form and color. So the question is: Does our body act as antenna as a whole?
The Venus suntrap can snap shut with the tactile arrival of its insect prey. But how far has this communicative process gone? George Washington Crile believed that not only do plants communicate between themselves by means of electromagnetic signals, and that this can be demonstrated experimentally, but that they are also sensitive to non-plant life should it approach them. He further claimed in his 1926 book The bipolar theory of living processes and in another ten years later entitled The phenomena of life: a radio-electrical interpretation that plants, once programmed by experience, were sentient about even the subtle intentions of the approaching fauna. This stretches the imagination and belief of any self-respecting [mainstream] scientist (Crile, 1926).
Planet Earth
Our little blue planet does not only deliver us with life enabling environment, but also with powerful electromagnetic generator which vibrates at a rate of 7 Hz. Schumann resonances are global electromagnetic resonances, excited by lightning discharges in the cavity formed by the Earth’s surface and the ionosphere. This frequency of 7 Hz seems to be a fundamental EM stimulant for all life forms, like Montagnier demonstrated with his experiments with DNA and water memory. It enables communication on the electromagnetic level.
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